The above command will open a local port 5901 on a localhost loopback network interface $ ss -ltn In the following command, make sure you replace user1 and linuxconfig with the username and hostname of your VNC server: Next, create an SSH tunnel on a local port 5901 leading to a remote port 5901 on your VNC server.If you don’t already have SSH installed, that’s a pretty obvious prerequisite for this to work:.If you’d like the added security, follow along with these steps: Of course, this is assuming that you have SSH access on the VNC server. etc/vncservers.For extra security, you can tunnel the VNC connection through SSH on your VNC server. # Description: Enable service provided by daemon. # Short-Description: Start daemon at boot time

sudo cp /usr/bin/vncserver /usr/bin/vncserver.bkp sudo nano /usr/bin/vncserverFind this line ( Line no:57 ) "# exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrcnn". sudo apt-get install vnc4server Step 3 » Open /usr/bin/vncserver file and edit as follows. sudo apt-get install gnome-panel gnome-settings-daemon metacity nautilus gnome-terminal Step 2 » Now install vnc4server package. These packages are required for all editions including ubuntu desktop. Step 1 » Start installing below gnome packages which helps VNC to load properly. Ubuntu desktop users can skip this command.

this will skip extra tools and apps and will install only basic desktop environment with few supported tools. sudo apt-get install -no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktopUse –no-install-recommends key to keep GUI minimal. Issue the below command to install GUI on server and cloud editions. Please note that server and cloud editions are carefully designed to utilize less hardware resources ( minimal environment ), installing GUI might leads to high hardware utilization. Basically ubuntu server and ubuntu cloud editions does not contains GUI, which needs to be installed before installing VNC server. This guide is helpful to install VNC server on Ubuntu Desktop 14.04, Ubuntu server 14.04 and Ubuntu cloud 14.04. VNC server is used to share graphical desktop which can be controlled from other computers.